Well true believers,
We will finish the office assassin series after this commercial break, but for now it certainly is a sad time for those of us of the geeky persuasion. There have been other giants to have fallen, but none quite as visible at least not in the world of comics anyway. Stan Lee was very much the father of the Marvel Universe. Notice I did not say just the Cinematic Universe. It is crazy to me of how the landscape of the of the world has changed. Before the movies started coming out and so incredibly great, the comic book world seemed to exclusively for the geeks. That world was so much different then ours and yet very similar. The places were these heroes and villains collided can be found on a map, well at least the places on earth. The people, not the powers, are the same people you would meet everyday. The outcasts, the business people, nerds and complete loser all living under one roof. These people didn’t have all their stuff together. Some struggle with the power, other with personal struggles, while others are even struggling with their basic identity. Sound familiar. I think this is the secret formula to Marvel’s success. We can related to these guys and gals. We were invited to engage with these characters and even called to challenge the writers for inconsistency within the characters or plotlines (the no-prize). There are several more things to say here, but I do wanted this to turn into a lesson. This truly is meant to be a grown up comic book kid’s send off to a legend that was truly passionate about the world He created. So here’s to the Stan the man, the myth and the legend. Nuff said…..


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