With all the hype being stirred around the house, I thought I would put some of the cards on the table. I must admit the Bible does say to be anxious for nothing and in the grander scheme of thing 2 years down the road all of the stuff will be completely meaningless and dare I even say it, obsolete.

So now after that thought of reality mixed with a dash of maturity and possibly a hint of envy I submit this block of complete geekness…


Things that have me excited about the month of September:


Apple's IOS 6 released

Apple's iPhone 5 released

Avengers movie on DVD released

Big Bang Theory season 6 premiers


Yep, there you have it. Consider yourselves warned. I am a techie geek. Say what you will about me, but this is what I enjoy. I am always looking to tweak what my electronics can do and sadly that has lead to a few techno funerals in my wake. So the idea of replacing the firmware on my devices that is fully backed up by the manufactor is welcomed. I also like to welcome new hardware into the fold because, because…. Well because I'm a guy and I like new toys!! There I said it. Sadly, I am not that ambitious to be willing to take time off work (although I do feel slightly feverish around the 21st of September) and sit/stand in the line eternal when quite possibly I could just walk in and walk out with it in the next coming months. Some things are just worth the wait or is that it's the wait is worth more than the wait I would be waiting if I didn't wait but chose it wait in the line that will most likely surpass my ability to wait. Wow, that's the long way to say upgrade in 2013(providing the Mayans aren't right and the world actually ends three months after the iPhone 5 is released).


Speaking of waiting, I have been waiting for the Avengers movie to be released simply because I haven't seen it yet. While I really enjoy the Marvel universe, this was just one piece that I never got to when it was in the theaters. So it is the plan of mine to schedule some time to download and watch this “epic” film as I have heard it called. I know I it will be good and I enjoyed the films surrounding this ensemble.


The last part of the month is probably the most special to me simply because it involves my wife. My lovely wife of 13 years is not a techie. She has an iPhone because of the features that do make life easier and it was a penny. She will upgrade the firmware on her phone simply to get rid of the stinking red dot on the setting gear. She will most likely upgrade her iPhone when AT&T gives away(like they did her present model) the less than up-to-date model. Action movie don't move her soul but will move her body into the next room. This is where you could say opposites really attract. I love her so much even though we are so different. So what is happening at the end of the month?


Well whether you're doing laundry at 8:15 on Saturday night or enjoying a Tuesday hamburger or maybe even if wednesday is Halo night… You will find my wife and I enjoying the TV show Big Bang Theory. The adventures of our favorite four brainiacs and a Penny bring a lot of fun in our lives. It is very refreshing to the both of us that we can sit together and laugh together. The new season starts a fresh approach on this favorite show.


1 Corinthians 10:23 (NIV)

“Everything is permissible”—but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is constructive.


While the hype for all these things is brimming it is important to keep the main thing the main thing and that main thing is Jesus.


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